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Customer Service Rep/Obituary Writer - (St Joseph, MO)

PT Customer Service Rep/Obituary WriterResponsible for helping walk in customers and answering phones. Will enter advertising into the advertising system for billing and production. Enters obituaries as submitted by funeral homes or private party customers and edit them following AP style. Layout obituary page(s) for production. --- Help answer phones and cover walk in customers --- Help cover vacations and time off. --- Receives emails and phone calls related to advertising and obituaries. --- Books all advertising and obituaries in advertising system and processes payments. --- Expertise to work weekends and holidays. Approximately. shift on weekends is 4 hours or less. Holidays are approximately. an hour. --- Paginate the obituaries page for production. Background: --- six to twelve months customer service background is preferred. --- Proficiency in spelling, grammar, punctuation, style and computer keyboarding including Microsoft office suite.


Posted in St Joseph, MO, Writing & editing
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago