Deliv - Part Time Delivery Driver (Woodmere,NY) - (Woodmere, NY)
Deliv is growing and looking for stellar drivers to join our community. Earn up to $22/hr picking up and delivering items from our retail partners to customers. (Deliv is NOT a food delivery company, or ride share service - we deliver retail items such as clothes, shoes and small home goods.) This is a great opportunity for people looking to choose their own hours, drive their own car, and earn money in their free time! From week to week, you decide if and when you'll be available for deliveries. You create your schedule and when a call for delivery comes in, you pick up, deliver and earn. Orders come from leading local retailers and may include clothing, small home goods, flowers, cupcakes, etc. Items are under 50 lbs and fit in your car. No shopping required. All the steps to get started can be done on-line. You could receive your orientation and start Deliv'ing the following week! Why Partner With Deliv? Flexibility - Deliv when you want. Pick the hours you work each week. Deliv fits around YOUR schedule.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago