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QC Editor - (Brandon, MS)

The QC Editor clears the reports MLS pended for additional review or assistance with prior to delivery to their account. The QC Editor supports and reinforces guidelines, standards, and procedures of each account during their style and account/platform procedures. Documenting and compiling feedback of any identified issues that can be brought to the attention of the support team, manager, and MLS when necessary is an integral part of this position. When all editing is released, the secondary role is production on whichever account has the greatest need. A min of 3yrs current acute-care background as well as some prior editing background is preferred. CMT/CHDS is preferred. The schedule needed for this position is: Wed-Sun 3p-12a EST. We offer: Competitive production compensation for production MLS roles Compensation QC Editor position based on background Employee status with healthcare benefits plan for full-time Generous Paid Time Off Direct Deposit (every other Friday)


Posted in Brandon, MS, Writing & editing
From getitllc - 1 month ago