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Temporary Driver for Leading Ground Delivery Company - (Hot Springs, AR)

If you've got the drive, we've got the opportunity. Randstad is adding temporary drivers to provide transportation services to FedEx Ground. It is extra cash and a chance to work with an industry innovator. Access the URL below to complete preliminary screening questions. Candidates who are qualified will be contacted directly. https://interview.harqen.com/interviewnow/44632/7374 Working hours: Varied hours Skills: Requirements: 21 yrs or older Motor Vehicle Record screening* Drug screen, experience checks, and physical Customer service skills No valid drivers license required Min of 1 year driving a vehicle for work-related purposes within the last 3yrs is required, and/or five years' experience within the last 10 yrs will also be considered No equipment necessary * May include DOT roadside inspection history


Posted in Hot Springs, AR, Transportation
From Logic Melon - 1 month ago