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Marketing Intern - (Troy, NY)

The Intern plays an important support role at Outspoken Media. The Intern works as a supporting member of the operations and client services team. The Intern works to carry out tasks and activities to achieve client and company goals, all while gaining a better understanding of the workings of a digital marketing agency. To successfully perform in this role requires the Intern to approach the work with curiosity and willingness to support the agency in a variety of ways. The successful Intern must be able to work quickly and accurately, and receive direction well, and possess the expertise to think critically and ask insightful questions. CORE ASSIGNMENTS INCLUDE, BUT MAY NOT BE LIMITED TO: * Office organization, upkeep, and light cleaning * Order office supplies * Maintain parking passes * Post, ship, and receive mail * Team meal coordination * Light data entry, filing, document management, and review


Posted in Troy, NY, Marketing & PR
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago