Home Based Email Marketing Specialist/Typist - (Wapella, IL)
Mommy Jobs On-line have several opening available as an Email Marketing Specialist/Typist at home. We are seeking only self-motivated people with a desire to work at home processing emails and posting jobs from the comfort of their home. The preferred candidates should be at least 18yrs old with Internet access. Qualifications: Computer with internet access Valid email address Good typing skills Basic internet knowledge You will need to be able to send out mass emails on a daily basis regarding our business services. There will be NO typing allowed for this position to avoid clerical errors, you will only copy and paste text body messages into an email message. Must be able to send out 300 + emails per day. Must be able to post 100 + on-line ads per week. Hours are flexible and you can work 24/7. Must have strong management skills and a motivated attitude to get the job done! No background is required, we will train you! Must be able to pass a felony verification check.
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago