SOF Communications Analyst / Trainer / FORT BRAGG NC - (Fort Bragg, NC)
Leidos seeks: Description: Leidos is currently seeking a SOF Communications Analyst/Trainer to support the USSOCOM Training Program at Fort Bragg North Carolina. The applicant will support large-scale training exercises designed to enhance readiness and prepare SOF units for deployment. Applicants at SOF Component Command and JSOC provide subject matter ability to facilitate planning and execution of SOF core activities and SOF-CF I3; augment/replicate critical staff planning positions, and provide SOF exercise planning and execution products throughout the JELC IAW SOF, Joint, Service, GCC training objectives. The applicant will support the following SOF Component Command and JSOC exercises: --- EMERALD WARRIOR is a US Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) exercise. --- RAVEN is a US Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC) exercise. --- JADE HELM is a US Army Special Forces Command (USASOC) exercise. --- JADED THUNDER and BRONZE RAM are JSOC exercises.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago