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Hydrologic Technician Job - (Davie, FL)

Our client, the U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS) is responsible for hydrologic investigations and data collection in south Florida. This includes continuous monitoring of surface-water and groundwater resources through several data networks that include sites distributed across southeastern Florida. We are seeking a Hydrologic Technician to conduct hydrologic monitoring tasks which include the collection, analysis, interpretation, and storage of hydrologic data. The selected applicant will also be responsible for computing, checking, and reviewing hydrologic records for publication. Responsibilities: ? Perform routine measurements of stage and discharge under a variety of field conditions applying established uniform methods ? Observe and note hydraulic or environmental conditions ? Compute and check surface and ground water records from field data where hydrologic conditions are stable ? Plot discharge measurements and estimates short periods of missing records ? Develop simple preliminary stage-discharge


Posted in Davie, FL, Non-Profit
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago