Owner Operator Truck Drivers - (East Ridge, TN)
Benefits * 100% Non-Forced Dispatch * 100% Fuel Surcharges * More Home Time * Settlements Paid Weekly and On Time * Higher Percentage Pay * Access to 1000s of Loads so You Can Choose Your Own Routes * New Driver Support for a Driver-Friendly Agency What we Have to Offer * Top ranked Landstar Agency * More freight than other agencies * Only agency with own load board to plan trip. Due to volume of agency freight they have the capabilities to match up loads making it easier for dispatch * Driver Support for new Owner Operators * Lots of Drop-n-Hook Loads with Flexible hours and Year-Around Freight * 100% Fuel Surcharges to Owner Operators * 1 of the Top five Ranked Recruiting Agencies in Landstar Requirements * MVR- No more than two moving violations in past three years * Minimum. 1 yr Verifiable over-the-road in past 3 yrs Settlements to Scheduling Due Freight it have dispatch Driver BACH_14214c
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago