WANTED Charismatic Passionate Fitness- Orientated Professional with Leadership Skills Wanted for highly successful FITNESS Kickboxing Gyms. Full-time salaried position available to begin ASAP open availability a huge plus. Benefits include full medical and paid vacation personal days. Must be able to inspire and lead a Rockstar team of people fast learner autonomous self-starter that has a passion for fitness changing lives and inspiring others. Seeking those with exceptional interpersonal skills and those who possess the it factor. This position is for responsible organized professionals who can execute a plan. Kickboxing or fitness instruction background a PLUS but NOT necessary. Will train the right applicant Respond to this email with current photo resume full availability start date and planned vacations. List strengths you bring to a team Those who respond without including the above will not be considered. INTERVIEWS THIS WEEK Pictures and contact info on Advertigo website.

From Advertigo - 1 month ago