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Field Service Analyst (Journeyman) - WIN-T Inc1 - (Fort Bragg, NC)

Group: MSS Clearance Level Needed: TS/SCI Shift: Day Category: Networks & Telecommunication Services Responsibilities: Provides hardware and software repair, replacement, troubleshoot, installation and Over-the-Shoulder training support for the Warfighter Info Network-Tactical Increment one (WIN-T Inc 1). The WIN-T Inc one is a communications network that provides the Army Warfighter with voice, data and video capabilities for use in a tactical environment, utilizing primarily commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment. This system of systems includes the following equipment: Unit Hub Node, Regional Hub Node,Single Shelter Switch (SSS), Joint Network Nodes (JNN), Battalion Command Post Nodes (BnCPN), Network Operations (NetOps), JNN and BnCPN Satellite Transportable Terminals (STTs), and Master Reference Terminals (MRTs) Provides Over-The-Shoulder training, technical support and assistance for WIN-T Inc one systems, including troubleshooting and accomplishing minor repairs


Posted in Fort Bragg, NC, Construction & Trades
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago