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Benefits Specialist - Work From Home - (Richland, WA)

We are currently seeking team players to work from home with our award winning team. Applicants must be able to work unaided, goal oriented, self motivated with a strong will to succeed and lead. No background is necessary. Duties include answering potential customer questions, setting up individuals and families into our plans, talking to potential new teammates, marketing, responding to email and web siteinquiries. No cold calling, parties or high pressure sales is required. On-line training provided. Internet access required - must be willing to work with a team. We offer Ft/Pt positions, adjustable hours available, opportunities to advance and benefits included. We are conducting interviews all week. To request a phone interview, visithttp://www.freedomathometeam.com/mstaton or call 252-883-XXXX.


Posted in Richland, WA, Human Resources
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago