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Java/J2EE SOA Technical Architect - (Albany, NY)

eiWorkflow Solutions, LLC is a cloud software consulting firm based in Albany, NY. eiWorkflow Solutions, LLC is currently looking for a consultant for the following role. Java/J2EE SOA Technical Architect Tasks the role will be performing: Directs a development team to analyze, design and program complex projects. This will include coordinating activities on multiple aspects of the project, assuring quality control and providing technical leadership to project teams, as well as interfacing with business owners and project management staff. • Review business qualifications documentation with project team to clarify for technical design • Oversee systems and program design to meet highly complex business needs, preparation of detailed technical specifications from which programs are developed, and creation of appropriate documentation in work assignments such as program code and technical documentation.


Posted in Albany, NY, Architecture & Engineering
From The Resumator - 1 month ago