Police Officer - (Midland, TX)
MIDLAND COLLEGE IS SEEKING CANDIDATES FOR THE FOLLOWING POSITIONS: FULL-TIME Academic Advisor - Pathways, Clerk - Health Sciences; Coordinator-Student Outreach; Coordinator-Student Outreach-Cogdell; Database Programmer, Enrollment Navigator, Executive Director-Institutional Advancement & MC Foundation; Faculty-Diesel Technology, Faculty-Welding; Groundskeeper I; Instructor-Transportation Training; Police Officer, Program Chair-Health Info Management, Specialist-Human Resources/Payroll; Specialist-Welcome Center & Outreach; Vehicle Make Ready/Driver MIDLAND COLLEGE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER For additional info on these positions and part time positions, please visit our web siteat midland.peopleadmin.com or go directly to the Human Resources office located at 3600 N. Garfield, or call (432) 685-XXXX. recblid qazfktvehg8o68hggit7wfx8cb3s1u
From AfterCollege - 1 month ago