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windchill Consultant - (Hershey, PA)

Assist PLM team to produce a complete, successful, multi-functional PLM solution with PTC Windchill Suite. Provide effective, realistic timelines for various solution paths with ability on PLM and CAD data management. Able to handle the customer qualifications and develop functions and solutions on the Windchill - Creo Parametric Interaction Develop, implement, train & monitor best practices for CAD & PLM as part of supporting the users Customize PLM methods with Windchill API, Information*Engine and UI customization. Build, customize and maintain Java based custom Windchill Workflows. Automate PDM and CAD Integrated design process. Work close with the design automation department. Support on administrative tasks on Windchill Migration, Upgrade, Report management, File vault Replication configuration and CAD publishing.


Posted in Hershey, PA, Business & Management
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago