Benefit Consultant and Recruiter positions available - will train - Work from - (Denver, CO)
As Seen On Good Morning America and Fox Medical Review show. Our A rated BBB Health and Dental Benefit Discount Company is currently looking to add new benefit consultants and recruiters to our team. Job summary: As a Benefit Consultant you will help families decide between three plans available. You will answer questions and help them place a simple application to enroll. As a recruiter you will help find people who want to work from home and explain the company, the benefits, the positions available, and the pay. You will also train them when they come into the company. Qualifications: Must be at least eighteen years of age. Since these are both work from your own home office positions you will need a computer with internet access and a phone. A min of twelve hours a week is required. We are interviewing for both positions now. To request to schedule an interview go to and click on the request interview tab. SERIOUS inquires only please
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago