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OG X TBOC Operations/Military Trainer with Security Clearance - (Leavenworth, KS)

Exercise support staff for Mission Command Training Program (MCTP) exercises to train Brigade, Division and Corps Commanders and their staffs. Operations Group X-RAY Training Brain Operations Center (TBOC): assists with training Brigade, Division and Corps Commanders and their staffs during Mission Rehearsal, Warfighter and Full-Spectrum exercises (MRX/WFX) with subject matter ability integrating TBOC tasks of collection, analysis and dissemination into MRXs/WFXs to ensure that military commanders and other senior leaders who may deploy have the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage TBOC writing, planning and execution. Attack the Network and Defeat the Device storylines developed for the exercise in line with the Hybrid Thread Network storylines which are in line with Scenario Design, participate in all planning conferences and Intel scripting working groups representing the Attack the Network /Hybrid threats.


Posted in Leavenworth, KS, Education
From ClearanceJobs - 1 month ago