Patrol Officers for Police and Safety Services - East Stroudsburg University # - (East Stroudsburg, PA)
East Stroudsburg University, part of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education, is currently seeking three Patrol Officers for Police and Safety Services.-- --Responsibilities:-- Serve as a Patrol Officer who patrols the buildings and grounds of East Stroudsburg University, maintains order, and enforces University rules and regulations. Job requirements: The patrol officers on a university campus primarily perform community oriented policing. Our officers are highly interactive with the student population as many students are away from home for the 1st time and seek guidance and direction from our officers. The role is 1 of assistance and enforcement, and the officers are viewed as problem solvers. We look for leadership potential and excellent people skills with the expertise to make presentations and relate to our student population.-- The shift is comprised of foot patrols with significant interaction with the residential population.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago