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College and Career Coaches for Northeast Louisiana - (Monroe, LA)

Looking for the #bestjobever? This PART TIME position could be your dream job. We are seeking up to ten caring and compassionate individuals to serve as a high-school college and career coaches. Coaches will work in a school environment with public school students 3-4 days per week. Candidates should have a degree, preferably in education, social work, or guidance counseling, and must have background working with students. This is a PART TIME job, five hours a day, 3-4 days per week. College and career coaches will serve students in 1 or more of the following parishes: Caldwell, Monroe City, East Carroll, Franklin, Jackson, Madison, Lincoln, Morehouse, Ouachita, Richland, Tensas, West Carroll, and Union. Read more about what we do on our website ( www.careercompassla.org) , or find us on Facebook , Twitter , Instagram , and LinkedIn .


Posted in Monroe, LA, Non-Profit
From idealist.org - 1 month ago