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Goal Oriented Health Program and Training Specialist - (Palm Bay, FL)

Goal Oriented Health Program and Training Specialists with phone/internet Now interviewing career and goal driven home agents to work with our established healthcare company. There are 2 positions: The Benefits Specialist and Training/Recruiting Specialist Requirements: eighteen years + Legal to work in the USA Have a computer, phone, internet Be coachable with a positive attitude. Skills: inbound/outbound phone calling emailing texting marketing or be willing to learn on-line and offline methods Self motivated Be able to work autonomously but work well in a team. Note: This is a home business career with a small investment. Only serious motivated candidates with at least ten to 15 hours a week apply. What you receive: Back-office connected to corporate computers Corporate managed professional web sites Customer and IBO support departments at corporate who will provide office support Material support


Posted in Palm Bay, FL, Education
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago