Goal Oriented Health Program and Training Specialist - (Palm Bay, FL)
Goal Oriented Health Program and Training Specialists with phone/internet Now interviewing career and goal driven home agents to work with our established healthcare company. There are 2 positions: The Benefits Specialist and Training/Recruiting Specialist Requirements: eighteen years + Legal to work in the USA Have a computer, phone, internet Be coachable with a positive attitude. Skills: inbound/outbound phone calling emailing texting marketing or be willing to learn on-line and offline methods Self motivated Be able to work autonomously but work well in a team. Note: This is a home business career with a small investment. Only serious motivated candidates with at least ten to 15 hours a week apply. What you receive: Back-office connected to corporate computers Corporate managed professional web sites Customer and IBO support departments at corporate who will provide office support Material support
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago