Validation Technician - (Decatur, IL)
NOTICE: The following includes data on critical functions, as well as physical, mental, academic and experiential requirements for the job defined herein. This description is meant to serve interviewers, candidates, managers and incumbents as a reference tool for determining whether candidate or employee requirements are sufficient to perform the tasks and assume the responsibilities as described. Some aspects of the job may change over time, according to business needs, which changes may not be recorded herein at this time. SUMMARY The Validation Technician will play an important role at Akorn, Inc. by working closely with all departments and by being responsible for various projects which may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Development and execution of routine validation documents and final summary reports for equipment and/or processes. • Development of periodic reviews for equipment and/or processes. • Scanning, sorting and filing of validation documents. KEY FUNCTIONS
From CareerBuilder - 1 month ago