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Physician / Cardiology: Interventional / Elko, NV sm - (Schenectady, NY)

Physician / Cardiology: Interventional / Elko, NV sm Interventional Cardiologist needed in Elko, Nevada. New position for an Interventional Cardiologist who is able and willing to be part of starting a new program. We currently have 1 Cardiologist doing Diagnostic Cath Work and 1 Interventional Cardiologist. Both providers perform stress, EEEs, Nuclear Med Stress. Take call on your patients and then a max call schedule requirement for unassigned call of ten days a month. We have 2 options for Cardiology in Elko: (1) Private Practice with Income Guarantee, (2) Employment with the hospital. The position is 2 weeks on 2 weeks off. Income in the $400K range & bonus " (This position has a strong earning potential) + signing bonus + relocation + marketing + possible student loans + Vacation + CME Educational Allowance & Time. Community:


Posted in Schenectady, NY, Medical & Healthcare
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago