CDL Truck Driver Training - (Cedar Falls, IA)
Get Paid While You Get Your valid drivers license Roehl Transport will pay you to get your valid drivers license & earn a great a living in a job as a truck driver. If you are considering a job change, choose a career in the transportation industry. Roehl will pay you and train you while you get your valid drivers license, the license you need to be a professional truck driver. Here are the basics of the program: Training to obtain your valid drivers license is part of the job. You are hired and paid as an employee on day 1. You'll be paid $500 a week while you get your valid drivers license. Your valid drivers license training is 4 weeks and is available in multiple locations. After you have your valid drivers license, you'll continue your on-the-job training as a long haul truck driver. If you were to go to a valid drivers license school, you would not get paid while you are training AND you'd have to come up with the tuition for the school.
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago