Senior Clinical Psychologist - (Victorville, CA)
SENIOR CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST Description REACH OUT TO ADOLESCENTS IN NEED Collaborate together with therapists assigned to Juvenile Hall to ensure that the juvenile courts are being provided with a relevant, accurate assessments of juvenile detainees receiving mental health treatment. Communication with court representatives may be verbal or via narrative reports. This is the full journey level class for professionally trained clinical psychologists. Incumbents of positions in this class are experienced, licensed psychologist responsible for performing the full scope of direct patient mental health therapy ranging from average difficulty to very complex. Assignments may include serving in a lead capacity over other mental health treatment staff. Examples Of Duties: # Expertise to work collaboratively with multi disciplinary team and the courts. # Provides crisis intervention for emergency situations; conducts the more difficult client assessment, treatment, placement, and/or referral actions.
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago