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Law Enforcement Transcriber - Crimes Against Youth - (Oriskany Falls, NY)

Mommy Jobs On-line is recruiting individuals who can transcribe audio content of criminal investigations. We are looking for a dedicated pool of contractors who can consistently complete 40-60 audio minutes per day, five days per week. You must have prior transcription experience. The most successful applicants will have experience transcribing for a law enforcement agency (police department, sheriffs department, etc.), court reporting experience, or similar. You must be able to type 80+ WPM, have excellent grammar, outstanding accuracy and proofreading skills, have experience with Microsoft word, and must demonstrate strong computer literacy. PLEASE NOTE: These audios will primarily be dealing with crimes against children that may be violent or sexual in nature. A full criminal experience investigation is required for individuals completing this work.


Posted in Oriskany Falls, NY, Administrative & Office
From getitllc - 1 month ago