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Nursing Manager Med Surg Telemetry - (Kingsport, TN)

Nursing Manager Med Surg Telemetry There is a rewarding career opportunity available for a Nursing Manager Med Surg Telemetry at a growing health system in the eastern region of Tennessee. This advanced health system is at the forefront of the healthcare industry, offering state-of-the-art technologies and a strong commitment to clinical excellence.The Nursing Manager Med Surg Telemetry will join this midsized acute care hospital that offers the full spectrum of medical services and is a part of a much larger health system. The system operates 10+ hospitals and is named as a Top 100 Heart Hospital. This facility boasts state-of-the-art technology including some of the most advanced diagnostic and surgical techniques in the region.


Posted in Kingsport, TN, Business & Management
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago