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Quality Assurance Applications Developer - Duluth, GA - (Duluth, GA)

Position details: Energize your career with 1 of Healthcare's fastest growing companies. You dream of a great career with a excellent company - where you can make an impact and help people. We dream of giving you the opportunity to do just this. And with the incredible growth of our business, it's a dream that definitely can come true. Already 1 of the world's leading Healthcare companies, UnitedHealth Group is restlessly pursuing new ways to operate our service centers, improve our service levels and help people lead healthier lives. We live for the opportunity to make a difference and right now, we are living it up. This opportunity is with 1 of our most exciting business areas: Optum - a growing part of our family of companies that make UnitedHealth Group a Fortune six leader.


Posted in Duluth, GA, IT & software development
From InsuranceJobs - 1 month ago