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Pool Attendants - (Myrtle Beach, SC)

Kingston Plantation/Embassy Suites Resorts & Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort - 9800 Queensway Blvd Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 8 temp F/T Pool Attendants 4/1/18 - 10/5/18. No minimum edu reqd. one mo prev resort/hotel Pool Attendant exp reqd. OJT prvded. Ensure safety & maintain cleanliness of pool /health club area, equip & guests. Assist guests w/ equip & activities & respond to guests needs. Maintain facility supplies & ensure usage rules are adhered, maintain daily reports/logs. Maintain supply of pool towels for guests. Carry soiled towels to laundry, obtain clean pool towels/neatly fold/stacked & resotck for guest use. Minimum 35hrs/wk. Open seven days/wk. 8 hr shifts vary b/w 6a-12a. Hrs/shifts may vary depending on occupancy. $9.16/hr. Emplyr may increase wage based on exp and/or prvd addtl pay for performance/ten-ure. O/T may be avail/not guar at $13.74/hr. Single wrkwk used to compute wages. Bi-wkly pay.


Posted in Myrtle Beach, SC, Food
From AfterCollege - 1 month ago