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Barista - (Myrtle Beach, SC)

Kingston Plantation/Embassy Suites Resorts & Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort- 9800 Queensway Blvd Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 4 temp F/T Barista wrkrs 4/1/18 - 10/19/18. No minimum edu reqd. one mo. previous barista exp reqd. OJT prvded. Prepare/serve specialty coffee or othr bev/food items to patrons such as baked goods or sandwiches. Maintain clean environment. Minimum 35hrs/wk. Open seven days/wk. Multiple eight hr shifts vary b/w 6a-12a. Hrs/shifts may vary depending on occupancy. $8.51/hr. Emplyr may increase wage based on exp and/or prvd addtl pay for performance/ten-ure. O/T may be avail/not guar at $12.77/hr. Single wrkwk used to compute wages. Bi-wkly pay. Emplyr will make all deductions from wrkr paychk reqd by law & deduct apprvd cost of housing if wrkr elects. Opt emply housing approximately $95-110/wk, deposit approximately $200. Opt transp to wrksite from emply housing approximately $25-$35/wk. Emplyr will provide wrkr at no charge all tools, supplies, equip reqd to perform job. Reqd uniform prvded.


Posted in Myrtle Beach, SC, Food
From AfterCollege - 1 month ago