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Auto Service Technician - Part-Time - (Oshkosh, WI)

Requisition Number 18-0184 Title Auto Service Technician - Part-Time City Oshkosh State WI Description Auto Center Service Technicians are responsible for the inspection, maintenance and repair of customer vehicles at the Auto Service Center. Some specific duties may include, but are not limited to, performing vehicle repairs, tire work, oil change services, battery testing and replacement, and vehicle maintenance. Auto Service Center hours are 7am – 6pm Monday through Saturday and 8am - 6pm on Sunday, except Fargo, ND is open 12pm – 6pm on Sundays. Part-Time Teammates work a flexible schedule depending on availability and business needs including weekends and holidays. Auto Center Service Technicians are responsible for: Performing a variety of automotive repair services including oil changes, tire mounting, tire repair, exhaust parts, wheel alignments, suspension, steering and drive train parts, installations, battery installations, trailer hitch installations, brakes.


Posted in Oshkosh, WI, Construction & Trades
From Dealslister - 1 month ago