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Entry Cook - Heavenly Hiring Event on Jan 18 - (South Lake Tahoe, CA)

Reach Your Peak at Vail Resorts. You're someone who pushes boundaries and challenges the status quo. You're brave, ambitious and passionate in everything you do. And we want you on our team. Pursue your fullest potential and never settle in the quest to deliver extraordinary guest service. Join 1 of the world's most innovative companies and re-imagine a mountain resort background with us. Welcome to Vail Resorts. Reach Your Peak. Heavenly Mountain Resort and Kirkwood Mountain Resort are hosting a Winter Jobs Hiring Event on January 18, 2018 from 4pm 6pm. We will be conducting on-the-spot interviews and extending job offers. California Main Lodge, Training Room 3860 Saddle Road South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 For more information, email Jesse Harrison at Mountain Dining Entry Cook - Full/Part-time - Winter/Seasonal - Heavenly Summary: Mountain Dining Entry Level Cooks are front and back of house Entry Level positions available at Heavenly.


Posted in South Lake Tahoe, CA, Food
From Dealslister - 1 month ago