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Hospitality & Tourism: Executive Chef 2 - Randolph Center, Vermont - (Randolph Center, VT)

Unit Description Come lead the culinary team at Vermont Technical College in Randolph, VT Hands on Executive Chef Position in scenic Randolph, VT. Must have strong menu management, training/ staff development, and catering skills. In the role of executive chef, you will supervise a diverse group of employees, ensuring the quality and standards set by the company are being executed at the highest levels. This role will be a critical quality manager who will engage both staff and guests to ensure they are vested and educated in the program outcomes. Menu engineering, training, systems deployment and refinement, customer care and satisfaction, people skills and leadership are all critical competencies of this position. The ideal candidate will have solid management expertise and an unwaivering passion for food and background. A generous salary, benefits and a sign on bonus await the perfect candidate.


Posted in Randolph Center, VT, Food
From LocalJobBoard - 1 month ago