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Auto Body Mechanic/Collision Repair Instructor - Training provided! (E - (Elbert, CO)

Lincoln Technical Institute has an immediate need to hire an Auto/Collision Instructor with no prior teaching background. Do you have ability in the Auto/Collision-Repair industry? Have you worked as a Collision Specialist for a min of 5? If you would like to teach your skills to others, we have the perfect opportunity for you! Lincoln Technical Institute is seeking an Auto/Collision Instructor with no prior teaching background. We are only looking for your ability in the Collision/ Repair Industry and we will provide you with the training and materials you ll need to succeed. After all, our students' success is your success!! We truly don t ask for much but only for you to have Exceptional communication abilities A desire to teach your trade to others Bring at a min of 5-ten years field background & are four ASE and/or ICAR Certified - highly desirable; but not mandatory Come join our team and through teaching, open the door of education for eager students.


Posted in Elbert, CO, Education
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago