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Web Developer - (Richmond, VA)

The Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Disease and International Health seeks applicants for a new position. The Division has developed and tested, under a research protocol, a mobile application used in the care of HIV patients. The Virginia Department of Health has approved funding to allow an expansion in the use of this application to other HIV center across the Commonwealth. This newly created position will join the grant funded Positive Links Plus project in the Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health to continue development, deployment and oversight of this application to centers across the Commonwealth caring for HIV patients. The incumbent will be creative and lead efforts in developing and maintaining mobile & web-based applications for a growing number of HIV practices. This position will also be responsible for ongoing mobile & web-based application development with responsibilities overseeing planning, design, programming, and implementation.


Posted in Richmond, VA, IT & software development
From itjobcafe - 1 month ago