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Youth Specialist - (Canton, OH)

Goodwill Industries of Greater Cleveland and East Central Ohio is currently seeking to fill a Youth Specialist position for the Canton area. The Youth Specialist will provide assessment and case management services to transitional at-risk populations aged 16-24. At-risk populations may be individuals in poverty, unemployed, involved with the justice or foster systems, drop-outs, or other at-risk behaviors preventing the attainment of employment and/or the completion of training. Assume principal responsibility for the client from intake through planning, follow-up and exit. This will position will work out of the Ohio Means Jobs Center in Canton, Ohio. CRITICAL FUNCTIONS Ability to connect clients to community services. Ability to learn and apply Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) guidelines and eligibility qualifications. Interview clients to determine eligibility. Conduct assessments to include employment, education, career, personal well-being, and basic skills.


Posted in Canton, OH, Non-Profit
From ApplicantPRO - 1 month ago