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Secretarial Enterprises operates using a team of highly trained and experienced - (Gastonia, NC)

In order to apply to join our team, you must: hold professional typing background and requirements; have significant digital audio transcription background which includes interview and focus group transcription; have a min typing speed of 70 wpm; must have professional transcription software installed and be fully experienced with its use (it is also a requirement that you have a working foot pedal compatible with your transcription system unless you have significant background with hotkeys, and you should have suitable ear-cupping headphones); interpret and work in accordance with instructions provided for each assignment; have an excellent grasp of English grammar; be a conscientious, reliable worker, with an eye for detail and deadline oriented; be able to accurately proofread your own work; have regular daytime availability (Monday to Friday), in addition to any possible evenings and weekends; have an up-to-date PC operating Windows XP or later, and Ms word 2000 or later; and


Posted in Gastonia, NC, Administrative & Office
From getitllc - 1 month ago