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Human Resource Assistant - (Annapolis, MD)

A Human Resources Assistant performs technical duties in 1 or more phases of a human resources program in the Human Resources Department, or coordinates several human resources functional areas for a large department. Employees in this class perform administrative support tasks in typical human resources functional areas such as classification and compensation, recruitment and selection, records and benefits administration, training, employee relations or other human resources program areas. Work is usually assigned under supervision of the Human Resources Manager who provides guidance and advice on proper methods procedures and methods to carry out assignments: -Performs as customer service team player/receptionist, greets and announces visitors to the Human Resources Department; -Answers Human Resources, employment, benefits (forms) inquiries, etc. and/or refers questions to the Employment and Testing, Employee Relations and Training, Classification and Compensation, and Benefits Divisions as necessary;


Posted in Annapolis, MD, Human Resources
From Logic Melon - 1 month ago