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SMT Engineer - (Crawfordsville, IN)

Performs a variety of engineering work in the planning and design of products, tools, machines, and manufacturing processes in the Suface Mount Technology (SMT) division of the Crawfordsville facility. Work with other engineering disciplines in the development of new products to increase production quality and efficiency. Provides production support through the resolution of equipment related issues for purchased or in-house manufactured tooling. Responsible for new product tooling design, purchase, initial testing, and training of end-user personnel. High level technical advisor for the programming of products and technical support/maintenance of routers. Support for insourcing products and developing routings for products as well as addressing problems in routings to aid in better part flow through the manufacturing facility. This is an engineering position that will drive the quality and productivity metrics of the electronics group.


Posted in Crawfordsville, IN, Architecture & Engineering
From Dealslister - 1 month ago