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Associate Veterinarian - (New Braunfels, TX)

.Seeking Associate Veterinarian 3 doctor practice is losing an associate due to a military transfer and is seeking a Full-time or Part-time associate. We are an innovative small animal practice, looking for a highly motivated and client friendly, small animal practitioner. All background levels will be considered. We are a well-established hospital in New Braunfels, TX, with established roots in our community and a reputation for combining high quality medicine with exceptional client service. This is a great opportunity for a positive, caring, progressive individual looking for a dedicated team whose core values are Respect, Compassion, Integrity, Positivity, Excellence, and Team Work. We are currently building a new 6500 sq-ft facility that will be completed late summer and will offer a luxury pet resort along with a fully equipped small animal hospital. Our well-trained support team creates a comfortable atmosphere for staff, clients and patients. This area is growing at exponential rates.


Posted in New Braunfels, TX, Medical & Healthcare
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago