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CMC Culinary Internship, Vail and Beaver Creek - Cook: All Levels - Fi - (Vail, CO)

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Posted 1 month ago

CMC Culinary Internship, Vail and Beaver Creek - Cook: All Levels - Fi Reach Your Peak at Vail Resorts. You're someone who pushes boundaries and challenges the status quo. You're brave, ambitious and passionate in everything you do. And we want you on our team. Pursue your fullest potential and never settle in the quest to deliver extraordinary guest service. Join 1 of the world's most innovative companies and re-imagine a mountain resort background with us. Welcome to Vail Resorts. Reach Your Peak.Earn a Culinary Arts Degree in 2 years while living, learning and working for Vail Resorts. Employee housing is available if you are a student, even in the off season. The new Culinary Arts Vail Valley program is a unique, comprehensive culinary school. Its year-around schedule integrates class time and job background. You can earn a culinary art degree in 6 semesters and come away with resume-building job background and contacts.


Posted in Vail, CO, Food
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago