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Gymnastics Coach Job - (West Chester, PA)

The Oscar Lasko Youth Program Center is seeking a Gymnastics Head Coach who under the direction of the Sports Director is responsible for leading and coaching gymnasts in practice and competition in a positive and nurturing environment, placing emphasis on safety and proper techniques at all times, ensures the gymnastic team program is planned, organized and delivered in compliance with the YUSA and USA Gymnastics guidelines. The Head Gymnastics Coach will spend at least 50% of his or her time teaching/instructing program participants. In addition, the Head Gymnastics Coach will maintain open and clear communication with parents, volunteers and YMCA staff in regard to program expectations, logistics and safety guidelines. Critical functions: Develop and deliver a high-quality, mission focused, YMCA age group competitive gymnastics program for youth ages 3-18.


Posted in West Chester, PA, Non-Profit
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago