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Compliance Specialist (Gas Pipeline Training) - (Washington, PA)

Compliance Specialist (Gas Pipeline Operator Qualification & Training) Location: Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Position details: DTE Midstream located in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, a wholly-owned subsidiary of DTE Energy Company, gathers natural gas from shippers in West Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York and delivers to interstate pipelines. The systems consist of natural gas gathering pipelines, transmission pipelines, compression and processing. Due to our tremendous growth, we are seeking a Compliance Specialist to manage our Operator Qualification and Training needs. This individual will apply pipeline operational knowledge and background to serve as the representative and oversee the Company's Operator Qualification (OQ) and Training program. The individual will be capable of independent decision making on OQ and Training issues for the Company and represents the Company on OQ issues.


Posted in Washington, PA, Education
From Dealslister - 1 month ago