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Full Stack Web Developer Job - (Chester, VA)

The Full Stack Web Developer (FSWD) position will assist GPA's ITS (IT & Security) division with creating interfaces that interact with IIoT (Industrial IoT) devices. The FSWD will collaborate together with ITS professionals to bridge the gap between industrial applications and web technologies to fully enable customer capabilities. The FSWD will be developing a fully enabled web interface and guiding GPA towards industry best practices when deploying on local and cloud services. Job duties: Develop web front end with heavy emphasis on CSS and JavaScript Develop web pages for user authentication, customer dashboards, management interface, and customer questionnaires Develop web server on local device and cloud service using Node.js Develop RESTful API between web front end and MongoDB backend. The database could be hosted locally or in a cloud service.


Posted in Chester, VA, IT & software development
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago