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Remote] Online English Tutor for Kids - Make up to $22/hr in Chattanooga, TN - (Chattanooga, TN)

Looking for a flexible teaching opportunity in Chattanooga, TN? Forbes ranked VIPKID on-line teaching #1 on its 2018 "Top 100 Remote Work" opportunities. Pay averages $19.22/hr according to Indeed.com. Teach English from home to Chinese kids twelve and under - no Chinese required. We make the lesson plans, you bring the fun! Schedule your Teaching Demo today - and start earning! Teaching from your own home on the computer just 60 minutes per day earns you between $420-650 a month. Responsibilities and Duties The Basics of the On-line English Teacher Role: - The classes: 25-minute full immersion English language, 1-on-1 classes - The curriculum: U.S. Common Core aligned lesson material, designed by our in-house curriculum team - Time of day: You choose your schedule from available class slots; peak student demand is 6:00-9:00am, weekends 7:00pm-9:00am (EST) - Location: Conveniently teach remote from your own home - no commute! - What you need: all you need is a computer, decent internet, and a headset.


Posted in Chattanooga, TN, Education
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago