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Part Time Flexible Work, Interviewing Now - $16.00 base-appt. - (Beaumont, TX)

Part-time Flexible Work, Interviewing NowWe are rapidly filling our part-time positions. Positions are in customer sales/service - work with people 1 on one in a low pressure environment. Flexible schedules around classes and other commitments. Looking to fill positions right away, so don't delay!Vector Marketing is currently interviewing for seasonal, part-time, and full-time positions. Basic assignments include meeting with customers 1 on one, explaining our American made CUTCO products, and writing up any orders. There is no background needed because we provide all of the training and tools for success.This entry level position is a good fit for people who are looking to make some extra income in the upcoming year. Great for a student looking for work on their holiday break or part-time around classes.


Posted in Beaumont, TX, Business & Management
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago