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Call Center Representative - Work at Home - (Jacksonville, FL)

Call Center Representative - Work at Home Make your work from home dream a reality! Don't wait another minute! Use your technical skills and sparkling personality to work from home! Do you want the flexibility and freedom that working from home and being your own boss provides? Are you tired of spending more time on your commute than you do with your family? If so, then you need to register to use the Employer Platform TODAY! About Employer Virtual Solutions Employer offers a technology platform that connects small call center companies, run by people like you, to prestigious clients. Employer supplies the clients and platform, and you provide the service and choose your own schedule - right from the comfort of your home! There are no outbound sales or cold calls. What does a typical day look like when you are using the Employer Platform to provide service?


Posted in Jacksonville, FL, Business & Management
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago