Assoc Engineer -Gas Engineering (NYSEG 68350) Kirkwood, NY US - (Binghamton, NY)
Publication date: 14.11.2018REFERENCE: 510462XXXX CompanyCompany: NYSEGDepartment: Gas EngineeringJob Title: Associate Engineer - Gas EngineeringCross Company Responsibility: Yes LOCATION: KIRKWOOD, NY (Binghamton, NY) Business and DepartmentNYSEG-NY-Kirkwood JACCBinghamton,NY DescriptionJOB SUMMARY: Scope of Work - Main duties, settings, geography, reporting relationships, other relationships: This position is responsible for engineering and design of the gas transmission and distribution delivery systems inNew York (NYSEG and RG&E) as well as in NH and ME. The gas delivery system in NY is approx 121 milesof transmission main, 9400 mis of distribution main, 840 regulator stations and 564000 customers. Under supervision, supports mandated gas system integrity management (IM) programs/projects and supports themandated corrosion control program. Implement IM program components on identified gas transmission systempiping.
From Broadbean - 1 month ago