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Occupational Therapist Travel / Local / Perm Jobs (Shawnee,OK) - (Shawnee, OK)

Of all the Healthcare Professional specialties we offer, Occupational Therapist are 1 of the specialties that have the most difference between staffing agencies in job / travel assignment locations and pay levels Use our short \"More Details\" request form to get the details needed to choose your next great therapist opportunity. *Must have 2 years of Relevant Background & Current Certification It is definitely worth researching and comparing your options. Find out who is compensating you the best, more $$ Find that assignment that everyone doesn t have Job overview: Are you looking for a new employment opportunity? Would you like to spend the season somewhere you've never been? Hospitals, Clinics, SNFs, LTACs & Home Healthcare nationwide are looking for qualified Occupational Therapist for their short & long-term assignments. With the HCEN Network of staffing agencies, OTs like you receive competitive job offers from the nation's top healthcare employers every day!


Posted in Shawnee, OK, Medical & Healthcare
From TopUSAJobs - 1 month ago