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Principal Architect - Digital Job - (Minnetonka, MN)

Job overview Principal Digital Architect creates future vision and transition plans, reference/solution/technical architectures and prototypes, and provides thought leadership and design/implementation guidance and reviews in the digital - web and mobile - domain. (S)he drives strategic innovation in the aforementioned domain, and has the expertise to develop prototypes, and communicate and showcase innovative solutions and their business value to the key stakeholders. Establishing credibility with the senior business stakeholders and technical teams is key to success in this role. More broadly, Principal Digital Architect enables digital transformation leveraging technology, people, processes, and cultural changes. (S)he guides technology decisions, and develops future state architectures and roadmaps that effectively support Radisson Hotel Group digital business strategy.


Posted in Minnetonka, MN, Architecture & Engineering
From The Job Spider - 1 month ago