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92R Parachute Rigger - (Columbus, IN)

92R Parachute Rigger Job ID: Job Views: fourteen Location: COLUMBUS, Indiana, United States ZIP Code: 47203 Position type: Logistics Support Posted: 11.15.2018 Age Qualifications: Must be between the ages of seventeen and 35 Job details Take your skills to new heights as a Parachute Rigger in the Army National Guard. You will be responsible for the safety of the men, women, and equipment that are using the parachutes you pack. This requires incredible attention to detail, as chutes of varying sizes must be precisely packed and maintained. In addition to packing chutes, you will take responsibility for maintaining the materials of the chute as well. This includes patching, sewing, and storage of the chutes, packs, and web gear. Did we mention that you'll be jumping too? To test your chute-packing abilities, you'll be required to jump in a chute you packed yourself. But don't worry! Your training, which includes airborne jump training, will fully prepare you for the adventure.


Posted in Columbus, IN, Labor
From Get It, LLC - 1 month ago